IMPORTANT: If you are a resident in the City of Mound City, please be advised as to your responsibilties for dog ownership. Failure to comply could result in citations, fees and additional penalties.
Impounded Animals.
If you’re dog has been impounded, please contact Mound City City Hall (795-2202). Redemption fees for impounded animals can be found here. Unclaimed animals may be adopted.
Dog (Tag) Registration: $5.00 Annually (required)
(Ordinance 501) Dogs within the corporate limits of City of Mound City must pay an annual registration fee of $5 on dogs reaching the age of 3 months within the registration year (January 1 to December 31 of each year). Registrations can be made at any time through City Hall. Rabbis vaccination required before tag can be issued. See below.
Rabbis Vaccination
Before registration, the dog owner must furnish to the City Clerk a certificate signed by a registered veterinarian showing the dog has been incoulated for rabies with either killed tissue vaccine (within 6 months) or live virus vaccine (within 30 months).
(Ordinance 501, Section 2-207) The City Council may require an annual ennumeration during the month of February of each year, of all dogs owned or harbored within the city, to be taken by some person appointed for the purpose. The account for the number, ownership and sex of all dogs owned or harbored and may be compared and corrected with the dog assessment records of the city.
Dogs Running at Large
(Ordinance 501, Section 2-207) It is illegal for the owner or person in charge of any dog to permit such dog to run at large within the city. Dogs must be kept securely tied or kept within the owner’s private premises or led by a chain, strap or rope by someone in charge of such dog and should not be allowed to run at large.
1st Offense: $15.00
2nd Offense: $25.00
3rd Offense: $75.00
Unclaimed dogs running at large will be taken into custody and impounded for three (3) days. After which, the animal may be disposed of in a humane manner.
Noisy Dogs
(Ordinance 501, Section 2-214) It is illegal for dog owners to carelessly, willfully or maliciously permit any dog to cause a distubance of the peace or permit any dog to howl, bark or constitute a disturbance of the peace.
1st Offense: $15.00
2nd Offense: $25.00
3rd Offense: $75.00
Pit Bulls
(Ordinance 501, Section 2-301) It is illegal to keep, harbor own or in any way possess within the city limits of Mound City, Kansas, any of the following
Any pit bull dog. A pit bull dog is defined to mean:
- The bull terrier breed of dog;
- Safford shire bull terrier breed of dog;
- The American pit bull terrier breed of dog;
- The American Stafford shire terrier breed of dog;
- Dogs of mixed breed or of other breeds than above listed with breed or mixed breed is know as pit bulls, pit bull dogs or pit bull terriers;
- Any dog which has the appearance and characteristics of being predominately of the breeds of bull terrier, Stafford shire bull terrier, American pit bull terrier, and other breed commonly known as pit bulls, pit bull dogs or pit bull terriers; or a combination of any of these breeds.
Number of dogs allowed per household
(Ordinance 510, Section 2-208)Â It is illegal for any household to own more than two (2) dogs. In the case of a litter of puppies, the litter shall be considered one (1) dog until the puppies are three (3) months old.